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Browse the Regulations of Connecticut State Agencies

Subtitle 31-51qq
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The Family and Medical Leave Act31-51qq-1 Definitions31-51qq-2 What employers are covered by the act?31-51qq-3 (Repealed)31-51qq-4 How is “joint employment” treated under FMLA?31-51qq-5 What is meant by “successor in interest”?31-51qq-6 Which employees are “eligible” to take a leave under FMLA?31-51qq-7 Under what kinds of circumstances are employers required to grant family or medical leave?31-51qq-8 For purposes of an employee qualifying to take FMLA leave for a family member, what may an employer require to confirm a family relationship?31-51qq-9 What does it mean that an employee is “needed to care for” a family member?31-51qq-10 For an employee seeking intermittent leave or reduced schedule leave, what is meant by the “medical necessity for” such leave?31-51qq-11 How much leave may an employee take?31-51qq-12 If leave is taken for the birth of a child, or for placement of a child for adoption or foster care, when must the leave be concluded?31-51qq-13 How much leave may spouses take if they are employed by the same employer?31-51qq-14 Does FMLA leave have to be taken all at once, or can it be taken in parts (intermittently or on a reduced schedule)?31-51qq-15 May an employer transfer an employee to an “alternative position” in order to accommodate intermittent leave or a reduced schedule leave?31-51qq-16 How does one determine the amount of leave used where an employee takes intermittent leave or reduced schedule leave?31-51qq-17 May an employer deduct hourly amounts from an employee's salary when providing unpaid leave under FMLA, without affecting the employee's qualification for exemption as an executive, administrative, or professional employee?31-51qq-18 Is FMLA leave paid or unpaid?31-51qq-19 (Repealed)31-51qq-20 Is an employee entitled to benefits while using FMLA leave?31-51qq-21 What are an employee’s rights on returning to work from FMLA leave?31-51qq-22 When is the employer obligated to transfer an employee to work suitable to an employee’s physical condition?31-51qq-23 What is an equivalent position?31-51qq-24 Are there any limitations on an employer’s obligation to reinstate an employee?31-51qq-25 How are employees protected who request leave or otherwise assert FMLA rights?31-51qq-26 What notices to employees are required of employers under the FMLA?31-51qq-27 What notice does an employee have to give an employer when the need for FMLA leave is foreseeable?31-51qq-28 What are the requirements for an employee to furnish notice to an employer where the need for FMLA leave is not foreseeable?31-51qq-29 What recourse do employers have if employees fail to provide the required notice?31-51qq-30 When shall an employee provide medical certification to support FMLA leave?31-51qq-31 How much information may be required in a medical certification for an employee’s own serious health condition or the serious health condition of a family member?31-51qq-32 What may an employer do if it questions the adequacy of a medical certificate for leave taken because of an employee’s own serious health condition or the serious health condition of a family member?31-51qq-33 Under what circumstances may an employer request subsequent recertifications of a medical condition?31-51qq-34 What notice may an employer require regarding an employee's intent to return to work?31-51qq-35 Under what circumstances may an employer require that an employee submit a “fitness-for-duty” certification that the employee is able to return to work?31-51qq-36 What happens if an employee fails to satisfy the medical certification or recertification requirements?31-51qq-37 Under what circumstances may a covered employer refuse to provide FMLA leave or reinstatement to eligible employees?31-51qq-38 How should records and documents relating to medical certifications, recertifications or medical histories be maintained?31-51qq-39 What if an employer provides more generous benefits than required by FMLA?31-51qq-40 Do federal laws providing family and medical leave still apply?31-51qq-41 How does FMLA affect federal and State anti-discrimination laws?31-51qq-42 (Repealed)31-51qq-43 What can employees do who believe that their rights under FMLA have been violated?31-51qq-44 What is the complaint process?31-51qq-45 (Repealed)31-51qq-46 What procedures govern the contested case hearings?31-51qq-47 What types of redress may the Commissioner order?31-51qq-48 (Repealed)31-51qq-49 What is qualifying exigency leave?31-51qq-50 What is leave to care for a covered servicemember with a serious injury or illness (military caregiver leave)?31-51qq-51 What certification is required for leave taken because of a qualifying exigency?31-51qq-52 What certification is required for leave taken to care for a covered servicemember (military caregiver leave)?