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Regulations of Connecticut State Agencies

Sec. 8-119g-2. Definitions

(a) "Commissioner" means the Commissioner of Housing.

(b) "Department" means the Connecticut Department of Housing.

(c) "SDA" means the Connecticut State Department on Aging.

(d) "HUD" means the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development.

(e) "The Participating Municipality" means a municipality in which a Congregate Housing Project is located.

(f) Eligible developers shall be:

(1) "A community housing development corporation" incorporated pursuant to Chapter 600 of the Connecticut General Statutes, having as one of its purposes the construction, rehabilitation, ownership, or operation of housing, and having articles of incorporation approved by the Commissioner of Housing in accordance with Section 8-217 of Chapter 128 of the C.G.S.,

(2) "Any Authority" or "Housing Authority" created by Section 8-40 and the Commissioner of Housing, when exercising the powers of a Housing Authority pursuant to Chapter 129 or,

(3) "Other corporations" defined by the Commissioner on Aging using the following criteria:

(A) It should be organized for purposes other than to make a profit or gain for itself and shall not be controlled or directed by persons or firms seeking to derive profit or gain from the project.

(B) It may be organized for purposes of providing one or more social and supportive services to elderly persons living in their own homes and communities.

(C) It may be organized for purposes of providing varied combinations of shelter and supportive services to elderly persons.

(D) It should be organized, at least for purposes of Congregate housing activities, to ensure that elderly persons contribute substantially to policy and operations as members of its governing body and/or an advisory body it may establish for such purposes.

(g) "Congregate Housing" means a form of residential environment consisting of independent living assisted by Congregate meals, housekeeping and personal services, for persons sixty-two years old or older, who have temporary or periodic difficulties with one or more essential activities of daily living such as feeding, bathing, grooming, dressing or transferring.

(h) "Congregate Housing Project" means the planning of the buildings and improvements, the acquisition of property, the demolition of existing structures, the construction, reconstruction, alteration and repair of the improvements or all other work performed in connection with a congregate housing program.

(Effective June 19, 1985)